Seeking Oneness

Religions, spiritual practices, and philosophical ideas focus on the initial questions, “What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of human lives? How should one live one’s life.” Most believe that their system of beliefs, values, attitudes, behaviors, and expectations (i.e., culture) seek the truth and embrace the notion of “universals”. The goal is to determine what is the best way, the true way, the one way to build their community. The question supports the belief that there is ONE – one God, one Spirit, one purpose, one truth, etc. This has been stated in another way – what is the Ideal way to live one’s life? Some humans sense a “calling” to participate in this journey to seek understanding such that their identity is defined by a spiritual sphere of meaning. Art has also been categorized as an alternative Spiritual identity with some advocating that the one Spirit of Art seeks to be realized through the Artist. In this case, Art is a Spiritual Practice. Aesthetics are the family of Spiritual Practices.


Spiritual Generativity of Roger Birkman